Research Grants Received (Total: $16,712,056; PI Total: $11,230,641; Co-PI Total: $5,481,415)
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI) , “The Application of Microbubble Column Flotation for the Coal Maceral Concentration,” a section of the Coal Refining Project of Dr. K. Templemeyer funded through an Illinois State Challenge Grant, 199, total funding = $12,900.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), and Paul, B. C., “Development and Demonstration of Fugitive Dust Control Methods for Coal Combustion Residues Disposal,” Disposal and Utilization of Coal Combustion Residues Program, 1991, total funding = $25,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Fine Coal Preparation for Coal Combustion Testing,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1992, total funding = $4,250.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “De-ashing and De-sulfurization of Fine Coal Using Centrifugal Washers,” Illinois Mining and Minerals Resources Research Institute (IMMRI), 1992, total funding = $15,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), and Sevim, H., “Fugitive Dust Control for FBC Fly Ash Disposal,” Coal Combustion Residues Program, 1993, total funding = $12,905.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), and Paul, B. C., “A Comparison Study of Commercial Column Flotation Technologies for Cleaning Illinois Basin Fines,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1993, total funding = $85,088.
- Paul, B. C. (PI), and Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI), “The Production of Illinois Basin Compliance Coal Using Enhanced Gravity Separation,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1993, total funding = $97,358.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “A Feasibility Study on the Use of the Jameson Cell for Cleaning Illinois Basin Coal Fines,” MIM Holdings, Ltd., Australia, 1993, total funding =$22,125.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “A Frother Evaluation Study,” Kerr-McGee Coal Corporation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1993, total funding = $1,080.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “A Comparison of Coal Spiral Technologies,” Kerr-McGee Coal Corporation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1993, total funding =$2,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “A Coal Spiral Circuitry Study,” Kerr-McGee Coal Corporation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1993, total funding =$3,080.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), and Reed, S., “A Fine Coal Circuitry Study Using Column Flotation and Gravity Separation,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1994, total funding =$115,637.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), Paul, B. C., and Wang, D., “Advanced Physical Coal Cleaning to Comply with Potential Air Toxics Regulations,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1994, total funding = $78,574.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “De-watering of Fine Clean Coal Concentrates Produced from Advanced Coal Cleaning Technologies,” University of Missouri-Rolla, 1994, total funding =$4,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Fine Coal Cleaning Tests,” University of North Dakota, 1994, total funding =$1,144.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI) and Wang, D., “Full-Scale Testing of the Falcon Concentrator,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1994, total funding = $18,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Application of the Falcon Concentrator for Fluorspar-Barite Separations,” Ozark-Mahoning Company, 1995, total funding =$4,108.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI) and Reed, S., “In-Plant Testing of a Novel Coal Cleaning Circuit Using Advanced Technologies,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1995, total funding =$115,641.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI) and Mohanty, M. K., “A Modified Release Analysis Procedure Using Advanced Froth Flotation Mechanisms,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1995, total funding =$39,280.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Dewatering of Advanced Froth Flotation Concentrates Using the Coal-Logging Process,” joint project with University of Missouri-Rolla, Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1995, total funding = $7,854.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Processing of a Rutile Ore Using the Falcon Concentrator,” DuPont Chemicals, Jackson Laboratory, Chambers Works, Deepwater, New Jersey, July, 1995, total funding = $2,500.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Application of the Jameson Cell for the Treatment of Phosphate Ore,” S. F. Phosphates Limited, Vernal, Utah, 1995, total funding = $8,141.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), Campbell, J. A. L., and Arnold, B. J., “A Holistic Approach to Fly Ash: By-Products Recovery,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1996, total funding =$119,818.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), Sevim, H., and Mohanty, M. K., “Advanced Fine Coal Processing For Improved Mine Profitability,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, 1996, total funding =$92,500.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Evaluation of the Campbell Jig for Fine Coal Cleaning,” Mineral Systems Recovery Inc., Pat Costen, President, 1996, total funding =$21,582.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Pre-Combustion Removal of Hazardous Air Pollutant Precursors,” Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and the U. S. Department of Energy, 1996, total funding = $9,788.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), Govindarajan, B., and Mohanty, M. K., “A Novel High Efficiency Enhanced Gravity Separation Using Dense Medium,” Illinois Clean Coal Inst., 1997, total funding = $112,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “In-Plant Studies of the Altair Jig,” Mineral Systems Recovery Inc., Pat Costen, President, 1997, total funding =$25,000.
- Paul, B. C. (PI), Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI), and Chugh, Y. P., “Integrated Power Generation at the Wabash Coal Mine,” Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, 1997, total funding =$20,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Application of the Jameson Cell Technologies for Cleaning Eastern U. S. Fine Coal,” M. I. M. Holdings Limited, Bribane, Queensland, Australia, 1998, total funding = $32,000.
- Sevim, H. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI), 1998, “Improving Marketability of Illinois Coal through Strategic Mining, Advanced Cleaning, and Air Pollution Allowance,” SIUC Internal Research Program for Business, Education, and Social Sciences, May 1998, total funding =$12,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Development and Demonstration of an Enhanced Gravity Separator for Coal Cleaning,” Submitted to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs/Illinois Clean Coal Institute, November 1998, total funding = $255,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), Chugh, Y. P., Parekh, B. K. and Lytle, J., “Development and Demonstration of Integrated Carbon Recovery Systems from Fine Coal Processing Waste,” U. S. Department of Energy, PERDA DE-RA26-98FT97098, December 1998, total funding =$560,000.
- Chugh, Y. P. (PI), Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI) and Paul, B. C. (Co-PI), “Development and Demonstration of Integrated Coal Mining, Processing and By-products Management Systems for Enhanced Economics,” U. S. Department of Energy, Mining of the Future Program, August 1999, $240,000.
- Yingling, J. (PI), Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI) and Jain, M., “Evaluation of the Raw Coal Storage and Preparation Plant Capacity at Peabody Energy’s Wells Complex Peabody Energy,” Peabody Energy, $6000, funding period May 15 – June 15, 2001.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), B. K. Parekh (co-PI), D. Taulbee (co-PI), and D. Tao (co-PI), “Premium Fuel Production from Mining and Timber Waste Using Advanced Separation and Pelletizing Technologies,” Kentucky Division of Energy/U.S. Department of Energy, three years, July 2002, sponsor funding = $505,537, total project cost = $670,513.
- Honaker, R. Q. and Tao, D., “Combining Enhanced Gravitation and Surface Forces for Improved Energy Recovery,” Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation, Project Number KSEF-147-RDE-001, two years, July 2002, sponsor funding = $69,362, total project cost = $219,531.
- Tao, D. (PI) and R. Q. Honaker (co-PI), “Development of Advanced Simultaneous Fine Coal Dewatering and Reconstitution Process for Energy Recovery and Environmental Protection,” Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation, Project Number KSEF-01-RDE-001, two years, July 2002, sponsor funding = $72,000, total project cost = $190,327.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI) and Parekh, B. K. (co-PI), “Development of Novel Ultrafine Sizing Methods,” Center for Advanced Separation Technologies, U. S. Department of Energy, 2 year project, April 2003, sponsor funding = $146,531, total project cost = $206,215.
- Parekh, B. K. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q. (co-PI), “Improving Densification of Fine Coal Refuse to Eliminate Slurry Ponds,” Center for Advanced Separation Technologies, U. S. Department of Energy, 2 year project, April 2003, sponsor funding = $154,788.
- Tao, D. (PI), Honaker, R. Q. (co-PI) and Parekh, B.K. (co-PI), “Innovative Process for Enhanced Recovery of Phosphate, “Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, 2 year project, June 2003, sponsor funding = $168,111.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “In-Plant Testing of High-Efficiency Hydraulic Separators,” Mining Industries of the Future Program, U. S. Department of Energy, 2 year project, July 2003, Joint Project with Virginia Tech, UK sponsor funding = $108,846, total cost = $136,840.
- Tao, D. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q. (co-PI) , “ Innovative Coal Beneficiation Process – Picobubble Enhanced Flotation for Efficient Recovery of Coarse and Ultrafine Particles with Less Reagent,” Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation, two year project, June 2003, sponsor funding = $85,809.
- Tao, D. (PI), Honaker, R. Q. (co-PI) and Parekh, B. K. (co-PI), “Development of Advanced Surface Enhancement Technology for Decreasing Wear and Corrosion of Equipment Used for Mineral Processing,” Mining Industries of the Future, U. S. Department of Energy, 3 year project, July 2003, sponsor funding = $712,700, total project cost = $2,010,944.
- Tao, D. (PI), Parekh, B.K. (co-PI), and Honaker, R. Q. (co-PI), “Development and Pilot-Scale Demonstration of Deep ConeTM Paste Thickening Process for Phosphatic Clay Disposal,” Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, 18 month project, January 2004, sponsor funding = $261,448.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Evaluation of a Pneumatic Jig for Pre-Combustion Cleaning of Low Rank Coals,” Falkirk Mining Company, 1 year project, August 2004, sponsor funding = $40,000, total project cost = $72,805.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI) and Parekh, B. K. (co-PI), “Evaluation of the Cerwat Dewatering Technology,” Kentucky Development Corporation, 4 months, September 2004, sponsor funding = $17,000.
- Honaker, R. Q., (PI), “Development of a Novel Dry Coal Cleaning Technology,” Mining Industries of the Future, U. S. Department of Energy, 24 month project, April 2005, sponsor funding = $568,506, total project cost = $944,961.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Alternative Materials for Dense Medium Separations,” Center for Advanced Separation Technologies/U. S. Department of Energies, 2 year project, September 2005 – August 2007, sponsor funding = $143,502.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI) and Tao, D. (co-PI), “Enhanced Flotation Performance through Column Froth Enrichment,” Center for Advanced Separation Technologies/U. S. Department of Energy, 2 year project, September 2005 – August 2007, sponsor funding = $145,502.
- Tao, D. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI), “Proof-of-Concept Testing of the Piccobubble Phosphate Flotation,” Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, September 2005 – August 2007, $460,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Demonstration of A Novel Dry Coarse Coal Process For Improved Mining Economics,” Kentucky Office of Energy Policy, July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007. agency funding: $115,867, total funding: $198,867.
- Groppo, J. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q. (co-PI), “Economical Recovery of Fly Ash- Derived Magnetics and Evaluation for Coal Cleaning,” Kentucky Office of Energy Policy, July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007, agency funding: $77,241.
- Honaker, R. Q, “Improved Energy Efficiency and Economic Recovery of Eastern Kentucky Coal Using a Novel Dry Clean Coal Technology.” Kentucky Office of Energy Policy, July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008; agency funding: $99,548.
- Honaker, R. Q., “Dry Beneficiation of Thermal Coals in India, U.S. State Department, April 1, 2008 – March 31, 2010, funding: $100,000.
- Tao, D. (PI) and R. Q. Honaker (Co-PI), “Improving Coal Flotation Recovery Using Cavitation Concepts,” Center for Advanced Separation Technologies/U.S. Department of Energy, July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2009. agency funding: $137,467, 20% involvement.
- Tao, D. (PI) and R. Q. Honaker (Co-PI), “Development of Novel Rotary Triboelectrostatic Separator for Dry Cleaning of Pulverized Fine Coal at Power Plants,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, September 1, 2008 – April 30, 2010, funding: $295,720.
- Honaker, R. Q., “Center for Advanced Separation Technologies (CAST),” U.S. Department of Energy, September 1, 2009 – September 31, (2011). Funding: $2,741,955.
- Bailey, S. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q., “Coal in Kentucky: A Documentary,” Coal Education Grant, Energy and Environment Cabinet, Department for Energy Development Independence, Kentucky, July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010. Funding =$148,477.
- Wala, A. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q., “Advancing Critical Health & Safety Aspects Of Mine Ventilation Through Technical Development And Training,” National Institute of Occupational Health & Safety (NIOSH), September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2014, funding = $1,203,601.
- Tao, D. (PI) and Honaker, R., “Cavitation Picobubble Enhanced Flotation Process for More Efficient Fine Coal Recovery”, Illinois Clean Coal Institute (ICCI), January 1, 2010 – May 31, 2011. Total funding = $305,349; agency funding = $241,978.
- Honaker, R.Q. (PI), Taulbee, D. and Sha, N., “Development of Advanced Systems for Preprocessing and Characterizing Coal-Biomass Mixtures as Next-Generation Fuels and Feedstocks,” Virginia Tech/U.S. Department of Energy, January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2013. Total Funding: $505,626, agency funding: $400,000.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Cavitation Pretreatment of a Flotation Feedstock for Enhanced Coal Recovery” Center for Advanced Separation Technologies, U.S. Department of Energy, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011. Agency funding = $182,496.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Chemical Stabilization of Fine Coal Waste: Elimination of Slurry Impoundments” Center for Advanced Separation Technologies, U.S. Department of Energy, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011. Agency funding = $116,956.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), Saito, K. (Co-PI) and Abraham, S. (Co-PI), “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of an Air-Based Density Separator” U.S. Department of Energy, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011. Agency funding = $87,893.
- Taulbee, D. (PI), Patil, D. (Co-PI) and Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI), “Dewatering of Fine Coal Pellets,” U.S. Department of Energy, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011. Agency funding = $150,003.
- Lusk, B (PI), Honaker, R, Perry, K, Novak, T “University of Kentucky Experimental Mine Feasibility Study” Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence, July 2012 – June 2014, Total funding: $350,000, 30% involvement.
- Honaker (PI) and Lusk, B. (Co-PI), Appalachian Research Initiative for Environmental Sciences: UK Mining Engineering Tasks, Year 2, July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013, Total Funding: $134,680, 50% involvement.
- Honaker (PI) and Lusk, B. (Co-PI), Appalachian Research Initiative for Environmental Sciences: UK Mining Engineering Tasks, Year 1, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012, Total Funding: $135,307, 50% involvement.
- Lineberry, G.T. (PI) and Honaker, R. Q. (Co-PI), NIOSH/CDC, “Appalachian Education Research Center” Education Research Center, July 2012 – June 2014, funding: $231,955, 30% involvement.
- Parekh, B.K. (PI) and Honaker, R.Q. (Co-PI), “Dry cleaning of fine coal using a fluidized bed shaking table,” Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), March 2012 – March 2013, Total Funding: $44,000, funded, 20% Involvement.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), Silva, J. C. (Co-PI) and Sottile, J. (Co-PI), “Collaborative Modernization of a Natural Resources Engineering Program at Balkh University in Afghanistan,” U.S. Department of State, October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2016, funding = $749,964, 40% involvement.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Dry Coal Cleaning Using Optical Sorting and Triboelectric Separation,” Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, March 1, 2013 – April 30, 2014, funding =$44,475, 100% Involvement.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Pilot Scale Demonstration and Evaluation of Innovative Non-Deslimed Non-Classified Gravity-Fed HM Cyclone,” Illinois Clean Coal Institute, July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014, funding = $124,966, 100% Involvement.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Dry Beneficiation of Coal by Triboelectrostatic Separation-Phase 2,” Southern Illinois University, April 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016, funding = $43,550, 100% Involvement.
- Honaker, R .Q. (PI), Hower, J. (Co-PI), Eble, C. (Co-PI) and Weisenfluh, J. (C o-PI), “Laboratory and Bench-Scale Testing for Rare Earth Elements,” Leonardo Technologies, Inc., July 8 – December 15, 2014, $596,699, 80% Involvement.
- Honaker, R .Q. (PI), Hower, J. (Co-PI), Eble, C. (Co-PI), Groppo, J. and Weisenfluh, J. “Resource Assessment for the Extraction of REE from Coal,” Leonardo Technologies, Inc., June 30 – October 15, 2014, $328,619, 50% Involvement.
- Honaker, R. Q. (PI), “Coal Cleaning using Dense Medium Cyclone and Spiral Performance,” Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, March 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015, funding =$48,708, 100% Involvement.
- Honaker, R.Q. (PI) and Groppo, J. (Co-PI), “Evaluation of Kentucky Coal Waste Slurries for Rare Earth Element and Valuable Mineral Recovery,” Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016, funding = $75,000; 70% Involvement.
- Honaker (PI) and Lusk, B. (Co-PI), Appalachian Research Initiative for Environmental Sciences: UK Mining Engineering Tasks, Year 4, July 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016, Total Funding: $40,000, 100% involvement.
- Honaker, R.Q. (PI), Groppo, J., Yoon, R.H., Luttrell, G.H., Noble, A. and Herbst, J., Pilot-Scale Testing of an Integrated Circuit for the Extraction of Rare Earth Minerals and Elements from Coal and Coal Byproducts Using Advanced Separation Technologies, U.S. Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratory, March 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017; Total Project Value = $1.30 million; Agency Share = $997,797; 100% involvement.
- Groppo, J. (PI), Honaker (Co-PI), R.Q., Hower (Co-PI), J. and Eble, C. (Co-PI), Identification and Characterization of Illinois Basin Coal and Coal-related Materials Containing High Rare Earth Element Concentrations, U.S. Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratory, Project No. DE-FE0026443, Contract Performance Period: 10/1/2016 – 4/30/2018Total Project Value = $400,000; Agency Share = $400,000; 20% involvement.